Sunday 7 October 2012

Kennedy's 11th Birthday

We celebrated Kennedy's 11th birthday on 7 October, 2012.   She is growing up too fast into a beautiful young lady!
On Saturday, she had her friend, Bella Williams over for a play and sleepover.  Then, Sunday (the Birthday!), we all went to the Gold Coast for the day.  Troy had just arrived back that morning from Portugal.  He was so happy to be able to make it home for the birthday girl!!



Fun in the pool......

Gold Coast, QLD

Presents in the room....

Kennedy chose to go to Sushi Train for her birthday dinner.   It is a really cool restaurant where the food/sushi goes around in a circle on a track and you just pick up what you want.  You know that price by the color of the plate.   Pretty neat place!!  

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