Thursday 9 February 2012

Year 7 Leadership Day

Year 7 is considered the most important years at St Aidan’s.   This is the year where the girls are given much more responsibility and have to take on Leadership Roles.   On February 9, the girls gathered for the day in “free dress” and participated in various leadership activities.   Each girl then nominates themself for a position.  She has to write a narrative as to the Selection Panel detailing her attributes and qualities that would make her suited for the leadership position she chose.   Carter, of course, went for the big one....House Captain.   And....she got it!   There are 4 house captains for Nightingale.   She was thrilled!!  This role includes conducting House meetings, organising teams and groups for House activities, House carnivals and working with the Head of Junior School.   Way to go Carter!!  She has her badge presented in early March.

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