Friday 20 January 2012

Melbourne, Australia

In addition to seeing the Australian Open, we also got to see a little bit of Melbourne.

The night we arrived, our hosts took us to a nearby place where Little Penguins live!!!  Yes, penguins in Melbourne, Australia!   They are so cute.   Each night, about 1,000 penguins come out of the water and make their way into the rocks where their nests are located.   The girls loved this!!  The pictures are a bit dark because flash photography is not allowed.

Another interesting point we got to see were Beach Houses.   These Beach Houses are directly on the beach and start at only $250,000!!!   Unfortunately, they do not have water or electricity and you cannot sleep in them.  They are used to house people’s beach items:  chairs, BBQ, towels, etc.   Nice storage house for $250k!!

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