Saturday 22 October 2011


FoxRowan? Okay, we have never lived in a house that has a name but there is always a first. This house dates back to 1925 and at the time was only a very small portion of what exist today (top left room was raised and made part of current structure). The original owner, Mrs Fox, sold the property to a developer, Mr Rowan. And the rest is history....for the Hobsons to write

Above is a picture of the girls on the last day in the apartment....

We must admit that living in a 100m2 apartment for four months makes you appreciate certain things that maybe we were taking for granted.  Small things...

1. Somewhere to tell the kids to go..  2.Anywhere to go to get away...

But, we started this adventure with the thought that our family would become closer and spend more time together...

We are all ready to move to a larger home!


Our new next door neighbor provided us with the below pictures of what our house looked like prior to the renovation......big change, huh?

Renovation pictures....

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