Friday 26 August 2011

World Book Day

St. Aidan's celebrated World Book Day on Wednesday 24 September.  Each girl in the Junior School was to choose a character in a book and dress accordingly.  Below are pictures of the girls...

Carter-Little Red Riding Hood
Kennedy - Sophie from Roald Dahl's BFG
Taylor - Emma the Easter Fairy

This last picture is Kennedy's class!

Sunday 21 August 2011

Year 6 Excursion

All the girls in Year 6 went on an Excursion on the 18th of August.  They all took the train to the Gallery of Modern Art to visit the Surrealism exhibit.   Carter had a blast!    Below is a picture of all the girls.....Carter is to the far right...

Friday 19 August 2011

The "lingo"

Ok...can you believe that we have been here for almost two months!!??   Crazy how time flies!   The girls & I thought it would be fun to list out some of the unique lingo that is new to us.   Enjoy!

US Word       Australian Word
popsicle         ice block
elevator         lift
french fry      chip
potato chip    crisp
gum              chewy
backyard       garden
closet            robe
lay-away       lay-by
yield             give way
movers          removalists
post               chuck it up
to go              take away
sprite             lemonade
jelly               jam
jell-o             jelly
trash             rubbish
eraser            rubba
juice box       popper
trash can       bin
cookie          biscuit
corn dog       pluto pup
cotton candy  fairy floss
break             holiday
candy             lolly
cart               trolley
knock on wood    touch wood
field trip        excursion
jump roping    skipping
flip flops         thongs
cupcake         cake
play date        play
good for you    good on you
have a try       have a go

That's about all we can come up with now....but, I'm sure there are more!   We are doing great but miss you all!!